Cojo Photo Wedding Photography

We were married in August 2012Our first baby was born (Nixon) on June 22nd 2014.Baby number 2 (Alivia) was born December 29, 2016.We have 2 beagles, Lilly-Bean and Buddy.We lhave a camper now and love to make the most of it! So much fun making great memories with our kids and friends and family! On our very rare available days off in the summer, you can find us enjoying ourselves camping or just out having fun with our family and friends!Corey introduced Amanda to photography in their back yard.We enjoy meeting new people and losing the time in good conversation. We love some good Gin! In a Caesar, a gin & tonic, or any other fun drink! We are always up to try different foods, always checking out new restaurants.We rarely have free time, but enjoy our busy life, and always manage to find time for friends and family!We will not say no to shooting a wedding in Iceland! Seriously... immediate answer is yes! Feel free to check our bucket list for more places! We love to help, we strongly believe in Community over Competition. We are pretty much open books if anyone needs some help, advice, whatever it may be when it comes to this business.

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