Sugar + Soul Photography

Hi! I'm Melissa, and I am unnaturally in love with toast. If I am not at a spin class or playing Scrabble, you can find me chilling out to Fleetwood Mac or reading a book. Cabernet Sauvignon is my love language. I have always had a crush on Robert Downey Jr and weirdly enough my husband kinda looks like him. I am passionate about fitness, chocolate, and going to every broadway show I possibly can before I die. I will wear lipstick into my 90's. I have two super spunky and hilarious little girls who keep me on my toes and a truly beautiful marriage to a really cool guy who treats me like a real life goddess.I have been pouring my heart into this little business of mine,photographing weddings and other beautiful life stories since 2009. I am based in Winnipeg MB although I travel basically anywhere and especially love heading out west to the mountains at least once a year to shoot!

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