Pro Makeup Artist Beth Ann McIvor

After graduating from Blanche MacDonald Center in Vancouver ( in 2001 with a diploma in Makeup Artistry, I began working in Winnipegs film, television and entertainment industry.It has brought me on so many adventures! From shooting in the Caribbean and across Canada, to right here at home for the Indiginous Music Awards and every year for our own Aboriginal Day Live at the Forks.From clean and natural looks to very involved prosthetic and airbrushed makeups, I have had the pleasure and priveledge of working with so many of Canadas interesting and talented people I have had repeat service for production companies such as CBC, Frantic Films, Frank Digital, Mid Can, Les Production Rivard, Newman Films and more, and am now so happy to be expanding my services to include Weddings, Grads,Glam up parties, and Headshot photography ! Find more info in the dropdown list under services.

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